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Christmas is a religious and cultural celebration that takes place every year on December 25. It's the birth of Jesus Christ, who is believed to have been born in Bethlehem during Roman times. The word Christmas comes from Old English Crīstesmæsse (modern spelling: Christ's Mass) and means "Christ Mass". Christmas has its origins in pagan winter rites commemorating the dead, but it became associated with religious observances as Christians took over these festivals and transformed them into holidays honoring Jesus Christ who was born during this time period.

X-mas is the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church.

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The celebration of Christmas is a Christian festival, celebrated annually on December 25. It is one of the most important religious holidays in many Western countries, including the United States and Canada.

The word "Christmas" comes from Middle English Cristemasse (from Old English Crīstes mæsse), which means literally "Christ's mass", or simply "mass". The term is first recorded in 1445 as crisemasse.[1]

The date has been set at December 25 each year since 325 AD by Dionysius Exiguus,[2] who used it to mark the day when Christians celebrate the Nativity of Jesus.[3]

The Greeks and Romans identified Saturn with the Greek Cronus (Κρόνος), the Titan god who was the father of Zeus (Jupiter) and ate his children.

How was Cronus defeated by Zeus in Greek mythology? - Quora

The Roman god Saturn was the equivalent of Cronus, the Greek Titan god who was the father of Zeus (Jupiter) and ate his children. When Jupiter took over as king of the gods in Greek mythology, he castrated Cronus with a sickle made from his own thigh bone; this resulted in him being forced to vomit up all seven of his children—who became known as the Olympians—into Tartarus.

A feast-central to the Christian liturgical year.

Liturgical Calendar - Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church

Christmas is a festival central to the Christian liturgical year. It is celebrated on December 25th, which was originally intended as the date for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The word Christmas' originates from Middle English Cristemasse, which is from Old English Crīstesmæsse, from Latin "Christes-massa" (mass). Most scholars believe that it means "the Christ festival" or "the festival of Christ".

Christmas may also refer to:

  • An annual holiday given as a gift or gift exchange; also known as Christmas Day or Festivus (#14) * A holiday celebrating love

The true meaning of Christmas is a phrase that began to appear in the mid-19th century when a shift toward a more secular culture resulted in a national backlash.

True meaning of Christmas – The Dakota Center

The true meaning of Christmas is a phrase that began to appear in the mid-19th century when a shift toward a more secular culture resulted in a national backlash. The word “Christ” means “God” or “Creator,” and this was the name Jesus used to refer to himself. As Christians celebrated his birth on December 25th, they also wanted to remember his life and mission for them—to bring good news about how God loves each one of us so much that he sent his son into the world so we could be saved from our sins (and thus live eternally with him).

The word Christmas' originates from Middle English Cristemasse, which is from Old English Crīstesmæsse,

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The word Christmas' originates from Middle English Cristemasse, which is from Old English Crīstesmæsse, meaning "Christ's Mass." This term was used to refer to the day after All Hallows Day (also known as Hallowmas), a holiday that celebrates the Christian festival of saints. The word "Christmas" eventually became associated with this holiday.

On December 25th every year you can expect to see many people celebrating around your neighborhood with lots of food and gifts for friends and family members! In fact if you want to get into the spirit of things then why not make some homemade decorations like a wreath or even some cookies? If you want something more elaborate than just hanging up an old sheet over your door then I recommend going online shopping at sites like Amazon where there will be plenty available for purchase including those made entirely out of tinsel wire which is perfect if all else fails because it won't rust either way!

Most scholars believe that it means "the Christ festival" or "the festival of Christ".

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  • Christ is the Greek word for Messiah. It's also used in English, but it's not really an English word; it's an ancient Greek one.

  • Christ is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word Mashiach (Messiah). The Greeks borrowed this from Hebrew because they didn't have a written language of their own, so they had to borrow words from other languages like Arabic or Latin if they wanted to communicate with people who spoke these languages instead.

  • Christ is also a title given to Jesus by some Christians who believe that he was sent as an Angelic being by God himself; however there are many verses in scripture where we see that Jesus says things such as "My kingdom come" and "I came down from Heaven". These statements make us wonder how could someone be sent by God when all evidence points toward him being human?

Other terms include old Christmas, plagal Christmas, and white Christmas but none has prevailed as much as Nativity.

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While the term Xmas has become more popular, it is not the only way to refer to Christmas. The Nativity of Jesus Christ is also referred to as old Christmas, pla-gal Christmas and white Christmas. Other terms include old Christmas, plagal Christmas and white Christmas but none has prevailed as much as Nativity.

The origins of this custom are unknown but it appears that its roots go back many centuries before Christ's birth in Bethlehem. Some believe that it was originally a Pagan festival called Saturnalia where people would celebrate with feasting and merrymaking during eastern winter solstice (December 25th). Others believe that early Christians adopted this annual celebration because it was thought that December 25th was when God created everything from light on earth through darkness at nightfall without having any material substance or shape before his creation which could be seen only by faith alone..

Nor does a phrase like "the 'Mass of Christ'" have much traction in today's culture.

The term "mass of Christ" has fallen out of use in today's society. When someone says they are attending a mass, they are not likely to be referring to the "mass of Christ." The phrase is no longer used by Catholics or Protestants because it implies that there is only one version of Catholicism and Protestantism. Instead, Catholics today refer to their churches as churches and Protestants as non-denominational churches or even evangelical churches.

The term Xmas, however, has not fared so well... at least not among those interested in preserving the sacred nature of Christmas.'.

The term Xmas, however, has not fared so well. At least not among those interested in preserving the sacred nature of Christmas.

  • Many people use Xmas as a shorthand for 'Christmas'. It's not wrong; it just doesn't make sense when you think about it too much.

  • Some people will say things like "I'm going to have an Xmas party" or "I'm going to put up an Xmas tree." These are perfectly acceptable uses of this word—but they can also be used ironically or humorously (as in "I'm just kidding," or "That's funny"). In these cases your listeners should know that you're being funny and should laugh along with you! If they don't then maybe try saying something else instead (like "I'm going to see my family over Christmas break"). That way everyone will have fun regardless whether they enjoy hearing about how excited YOU are about spending time with THEM over THE HOLIDAY SEASON!!

The name Xmas is set apart by being used exclusively for Jesus Christ, who is represented by the letter X as a symbolic cross.

The name Xmas is set apart by being used exclusively for Jesus Christ, who is represented by the letter X as a symbolic cross.

In Christianity, Christmas is a holiday celebrated on December 25th and marks the birth of Jesus Christ. The word "Christmas" comes from an old Germanic word for "Christ's mass", referring to the Roman Catholic Church celebration of his nativity.

Xmas is an annual festival celebrated every year

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Xmas is celebrated on 25th December.

Xmas is celebrated by Christians, who trace its origins back to the birth of Christ and the advent of a new era in history.

Xmas is celebrated by people of all faiths, nationalities and races.

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